Kick-off meeting

ENVICOP 1st Project Meeting
Meeting of the Steering Committee
27 July 2012, Milano

ENVICOP 1st Project Meeting Meeting of the Steering Committee was held on 27 July 2012 in Milano, in the premises of the Politechnico di Milano (POLIMI).


  1. Prof. Diego Vicinanza, Coordinator (for the Coordinator and Partner # 1 SUN):
  2. Prof. Maurizio Brocchini (for Partner # 2 UNIVPM)
  3. Prof. Arianna Azzellino (for Partner # 3 POLIMI)
  4. Prof. Francisco Taveira Pinto (for Partner # 4 FEUP)
  5. Prof. Valeri Penchev (for Partner # 5 BDCA)
  6. Dr. Luca Centurioni (for Partner # 6 SIO)
  7. Prof. Marcus Polette (for Partner # 7 UNIVALI)

Chair: Prof. Diego Vicinanza, co-chair: Prof. Valeri Penchev


9.00 Welcome and Short introduction of all participants by the Coordinator.
9.00 ENVICOP - General idea, topics, research exchange and training. Project Financing.
(Coordinator, D. Vicinanza)
10.00 ENVICOP/IRSES programme: Project Implementation. Work packages, Management, Dissemination of results, Reporting to the EC (V. Penchev).
10.30 Discussion modifications to the work-plan, modifications to the partnership agreement (moderated by D. Vicinanza),
11.00 Coffee break
11.15 Presentation of Partners
The presentation of each partner includes:

  • Area of research, current projects
  • Lab facilities, Numerical facilities
  • Review on the ENVICOP Work package /Tasks led by the partner
  • Project team (professor(s), young researchers.
  • Hosting conditions for visiting researchers

12.30 Lunch break
13.30 Bilateral meetings, discussions on research exchange according to the work-plan,
and proposed modification
6 bilateral (EU-Other states) meetings are envisaged, e.g.:

  • Italy - USA, Portugal -Brazil
  • Bulgaria-Brazil and Portugal - USA
  • Italy-Brazil and Bulgaria - USA

15.00 First ideas for exchange visits: starting from October 2012 or March 2013, modifications to the work-plan
15.30 Coffee break

15.45 Project meetings (Research seminars), discussion, modifications to the work-plan.
16.00 Closing session (30 min):

  • resume on all discussions
  • resume on all modifications agreed
  • signing a Protocol (minutes) with all modifications / agreements, by all Steering Committee members

17.00 End of the meeting

Please contact the organizers or ENVICOP Coordinator for requesting a copy of proceedings and presentations